Winter Pita-Puli Bangalee root culture
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Petha in oil, photo: g, m |
Winter Pita-Puli In the story of a childhood boy, one was Tona and another was Tune. Tona said Toni made of Pita. Toni said bring the rice from the market, bring the flour, bring the molasses, bring the oil, bring the chalk, bring fire from the side house ....
This story has become evergreen, as is the cake of the roots of Bengali roots. In the Bengali language literature poetry in poetry, the winter cake in the movie and the invitation to the winter cake for the girl jayama has been added in many aspects. The day-to-day coverage has increased. Bangali pita is now crossed the country and has reached abroad. Winter is coming in the country of the world, but it is completely incomprehensible except for the winter cake. The winter will come, do not ride the cake, what happens! Currently the cold bread of the winter.
At the beginning of the autumn, when the light fog was not coming down to Gadhuli, the people of every country of the country sat on the roadside and on the small stove of the village, filled with water, filled with water in the stomach and covered them with a thin cloth layer. With rice flour, molasses, coconut and small bowl (according to the size). The amount of flour coconut mixed with the amount of molasses, put them in thin cloth and put it on the plate, the heat of the heat is prepared in the steam and the bread made. By the way, selling these papaya patta picarina begins to make arrangements to make all kinds of cakes immediately after entering the house. On the taste of this bread, the back of the pithapuli opens. And then who stops ...
Winter cottage in the urban life is a lot like 'artificial' That is, during the winter time, almost all kinds of cakes are sold in hotel restaurants. Petha festival of different organizations has become fashionable after the month of Pausha. But in the Pitta festival, the eternal entity of Bengalis was not lost. The festival organizers said before the participants that the new generation of all kinds of cakes would be made. As a result, on the previous night, the makers of cakes (all family members) came down on their knees to make different varieties of cakes. How many varieties of sticks are seen in stalls ....
The name of these cakes is beautiful. It is named in conformity with the nature of the subject. It is seen that the same type of cake is served in various forms in different names.
The city's cottage is fashionable or artificial, its roots in the village. The fragrance of the peat soil is the sweetness of Petha. In each region there is a spread of cucumber in each region. There are also puffs. But the startup is in one place. Pumpkin, such as gravy In the greater Bogra and Rangpur regions, there is a hinge of rice flour in the hands of small sprouts and left in the ground water in boiling water. Its name is Gargar Petha. Its name is Damdama in Rajshahi region. In the eastern and southern regions, the name is mixed with salt pepper mixed with this strong batter. Patiasapata can be said to be called universal bread. There is no place in this place where there is no place for this drink. Rice flour is made of sweet and spread in the tulai and it is made of cauliflower with crushed fennel and cooked like a dishwasher. Patisapater inner spice is made in advance.
Many people inside the Patissaparate will get squeezed or dropped instead of coconut. Water comes in the tongue after drinking the name of milk. What is the taste of milk! A part of the soil pot is frozen in the oven and the rice flour is soaked in it. Its name is Chitai Pitta. In another pot, milk was mixed with molasses a little thicker and then released in the chitai. Due to the softness of the milk in the night, it becomes soft.
What is the taste of this cake in the winter? Kushali Pitha is a lot of names. Someone says a Puli Pita, someone says, Kuli Pitta. In the word of the winter, all kinds of pitha came together as a cake, as well as the Puli came as a python. The look of the pulley cake is like the English letter 'D'. Roast the flour and make it like a small loaf made of roasted paisa or coconut or a fennel of dough, and fold it like D. and put it on the pulley paste. It also has a reputation as a handful of cakes. This cakes are sweet two straws. Almost the same way, another potato is known as oil cake. But there is nothing inside this cake. Oil flour with sweet and fry oil. There are many interesting facts in the countryside with this oil cake. If someone comes to the frying pan, then this cake will not flourish and in many cases it is said to be the pulse that shows the cravings of the bread.
Raspberries - especially made in the date-palm of the cakes, made of cakes. More than this potato is in the southern part. However, there is more palm tree garden in the area. There are various types of cakes called Naqshi Pitta. The modern version of the cake is basically the same. Various types of patta molds are available in the market. Nutmeg Pitta was made as if it was squeezing the flour with the sweet, and after taking it out of the mold. Winter cake of winter village. It was a practice to go from town to village for a winter meal. The scene of making a cake in a clay pot on the ground stove in the village premises, It does not match anymore. While preparing the cakes in the evening and in the winter, there is also joy in seeing the cakes around the oven, Today no one goes to the village by organizing winter cakes. The joy of meeting with Bangalis is also being fulfilled. Now everything is mixed in the mechanics of the mechanism. Still, the invitation of the Pithapuli will remain forever in the winter. When the winter goes out, the tune of Tontotini tunes like tune memories and tunootout tunes.
- Sea Haque, from Bogra.
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