Father's body on father's shoulders

Father's body on father's shoulders Anisul Haque

95-year-old Shariful Huq went ahead of the door with a few yards. Anisul Haque, son of his friend, was lying on the coffin there. Anita Rubin Haque came to sit with her on the side of the coffin. Shariful Haque, sitting in the wheel chair beside the Rubana Sober silence surrounding the coffin. Shariful Huq looked steadfast on the face lying on the coffin. The hands went ahead and adored. Sharif said that he had broken his tears while loving the child for the last time. He said that his father, who was about to go on a journey on his shoulders, told him the last rites. The baby's shoulder in the shoulder of his shoulder - the most difficult thing in the world, he had to do on Saturday.

But till Friday night Shariful Haque has not been informed about the death of his son. After bringing the body from London on Saturday, Father Shariful Haque was brought to the ICO ambulance at 3 PM on Saturday at the residence of mayor Anisul Huq at Banani Road. On Thursday, the mayor Anisul Huq of Dhaka North City Corporation (DNC) died on Wednesday at 10.33 pm in Bangladesh.

Shariful Haq lives in his younger son Army Chief General Abu Belal Mohammad Shafiul Huq's house.

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