Duck meat in winter

From the earliest time, I have come to know that the winter house is filled with smoke from all kinds of food in the house. Other fun foods, along with pita-paises, add to the taste of the winter twice. And if there is a duck meat with warm hot bread in the morning, what does the family smile to smile at all!
Today is Wednesday. The weekend came soon. So to enjoy the winter with family, know today is a deliciously delicious recipe of duck meat!
Ingredients :
  • Duck medium 1,
  • Coconut 1,
  • Ginger paste, 2 tablespoons,
  • Garlic paste 1 tablespoon,
  • Yellow powder 2 teaspoons,
  • Roasted Powder 2 Teaspoons,
  • Cumin powder 1 teaspoon,
  • Coriander powder 1 tablespoon,,
  • Onions, half a cup,
  • 6 chillies,
  • 4 pieces of cinnamon,
  • Cardamom 4, cloves 4, salt (according to taste),
  • 1 cup of oil, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of sugar.
Wash the duck meat with the skin and fry one hour after water and keep it wet with water. 
Cranberry coconut bayat first with half cup of water and stir with dense milk. Separate coconut milk with two cups of water and keep it aside. Bake half a cup of onion turf. Take half a cup of onion and fry the remaining onion, lemon juice, spices, meat and thin coconut milk, until the meat is boiled. If necessary, then more water can be boiled. Then roast hot spices in the remaining oil and fry the remaining onion and roast it with the boiled meat, sugar and lemon juice.

When the oil comes up, keep the coconut milk and chilli and keep it dry. Until oil comes up. Can serve a little later.
Rice bread with duck meat in the winter is very much like everyone. But if you can not cook in the morning, then keep it in the night. Besides, dinners can serve with rice or hot rice. Duck meat. In this case, the choice of the family can be the side dish.

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